Eee PC 1005PX

Eee PC 1005PX wurde erstellt von Nelzon 03 Aug. 2011 23:17 #34684 von Nelzon
Hello all!

Where can I place questions about this Eee PC?


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kurim antwortete auf Eee PC 1005PX 04 Aug. 2011 17:28 #34690 von kurim
here u can :)

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Nelzon antwortete auf Eee PC 1005PX 04 Aug. 2011 23:52 #34699 von Nelzon
Can I install more RAM on this Eee PC?

How can I accelerate this computer?

Can I install Windows 7 Pro? Will it be much slower than Win7 Starter?

Thanks all!

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nayss antwortete auf Eee PC 1005PX 27 Aug. 2011 22:43 #35049 von nayss

- your / the maximum of ram is 2gb.
- you can install windsows 7 professional as well, this will not increase the battery-lifecycle and/or extend the duration - i have the opinion, that it will reduce to max. app. 60 percent as asus said before.
- the speed of you os will be the same, maybe a bit slower, because starter is optimized for netbooks, the other editions of windows 7 not !

finally : it's possible to do, but not really intended to to so...

best regards

nayss ;)

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